Connect Staff

Connect Staffing is established by Connect Group to connect you with life-giving opportunities and discover solutions to your tough hiring challenges, whether you’re establishing a career or a business.

Temporary Staffing Firms

Advantages and disadvantages of working for temporary staffing firms

Companies in multiple businesses around the world are demanding more temporary workers every day. Hence, they are always seeking the services of temporary staffing firms. Therefore, your career in temporary jobs passes through working for one of them. It also involves knowing the advantages and disadvantages of doing so.

In this article, you will learn about the most important advantages and disadvantages of working for a temporary staffing firm to help you. To allow you to do this, we will talk about the following topics:

1. What is a temporary staffing firm?

Temporary staffing firms.

In today’s business world, companies may find themselves with job positions they do not need throughout their entire year. Here, giving such positions to permanent employees can be inefficient, because you would have workers without workload at certain times. This is where temporary staffing firms can help you. Their primary function is to provide companies with candidates for temporary jobs. In other words, they will give companies workers for seasonal or part-time positions.

Above all, temporary workers will remain as the firm employees during their working period in your company. Therefore, they will receive benefits and pay through the temporary staffing agency. However, temporary staff does not always remain temporary. In some cases, temporary positions can shift to full-time positions in a company, allowing temporary workers to seek permanent positions.

Several businesses work with these firms regularly. They allow them the possibility of saving money and time, besides having a constant supply of a skilled workforce. In conclusion, they are the tool most companies search to drive their growth. Now, your temporary staffing firm will leave you with the task of getting the most out of your temporary employees. To do so, there are four great ways you can apply.

2. Who can work for a temporary staffing firm?

In essence, every person with the will and drive to impulse their job career can work for temporary staffing firms. But, you must be sure you are pursuing temporary employment for the right reasons. Temporary positions are substantially different than permanent ones. Thus, workers who rather prefer jobs with diverse disciplines may not seek temporary employment as a good idea.

Indeed, temporary staffing is often focused on specific industries. Hence, people with the desire of performing skilled jobs and that have no problem changing positions regularly are the most adequate ones to work with temporary staffing firms. Such position changes become even more frequent for businesses during peak season. To handle the high demand, temporary staffing agencies have several ways they can assist businesses during this season.

3. What are the advantages of working for a temporary staffing firm?

Temporary staffing firms.

Seeking temporary jobs is something you must be already prepared to do. Besides the skills and job experience you have, you must know the world you are getting into. After all, here you will be able to find a job, but not in a traditional manner.

First and foremost, every important decision must be assessed from a positive perspective. Therefore, knowing the advantages of what are you going to do is the best first step you can make. In the case of working for a temporary staffing firm, such advantages involve how temporary employment can improve your career. Indeed, it can help you in several matters, both professionally and financially.

On the other hand, companies can gain benefits by also working with other kinds of workers, such as contract ones. Such benefits are one of the reasons organizations should use staffing firms to hire contract workers.

Now, we will show you in detail five main advantages you can enjoy by working for a temporary staffing firm:

3.1. Flexibility

Temporary employment will give you the possibility of enjoying flexible employment options. In essence, most companies have clearly defined how much time you will be needed for a temporary position. This allows you to coordinate with your temporary agency aspects such as time off.

In other words, you can have a significant amount of freedom over your work with a temporary staffing firm. However, you must ensure such flexibility does not affect your performance.

3.2. Gaining experience in different jobs

Working for a temporary staffing firm is a great way of diversifying your job experience. Here, you may have the opportunity of trying out several types of jobs. It can help you to determine your career interests more clearly. Such an opportunity can also allow you to learn everything about a field in which you are considering having a long-term career.

Furthermore, it gives you the chance of changing positions quickly when you do not feel you are in the right place. On the other hand, experience in different jobs can also make you a demanded consultant. However, you should always remember that delivering staffing and consulting services are not the same.

3.3. Knowing and learning new skills

Temporary employment is also an excellent manner you can know and learn new skills. Here, you will be able to gain hands-on experience in several topics that you can later include in your resume. Such new skills can make you a potential candidate for a permanent position in the company you are in now. You can also seek a permanent position in another company with them.

For instance, you can learn marketing and graphic design skills by working as a temporary social media manager. These skills will help you tremendously with job opportunities for a full-time social media manager position. At the same time, employers may not be so fast in hiring temporary employees as full-time. It is recommended that they first consider a few things before doing it.

3.4. Widening your network

Changing positions regularly as a temporary employee will add more people to your list of professional contacts. Thus, working for a temporary staffing firm is also a great way to increase your connections. Moreover, widening your network as a temporary worker will increase your possibilities of being hired for a permanent position.

This way, potential employees will consider you more after having seen your work firsthand. In the staffing business, networks are not the only thing that should be expanded. It is also a good idea to expand your candidate pool.

3.5. Better pay

Temporary positions in most companies are directed to skilled workers. As a result, they establish their temporary staff as a highly qualified workforce, and they must be paid accordingly. Therefore, you can gain better pay as a temporary employee than as a permanent one.

But, as you will see here later, it is a different reality regarding working benefits. Furthermore, you can push to turn a temporary position into a full-time job with better pay than you would have if you apply for the full-time position first.

4. What are the disadvantages of working for a temporary staffing firm?

You may have heard the phrase nothing is perfect at some point in your life. Well, let us tell you that, not everything about working for a temporary staffing firm is positive. There is also a downside to it. Such downside can be expressed as the disadvantages of working for a temporary staffing firm. In essence, these disadvantages are more related to your personality and working style than to your career.

In other words, they deal with the things you may not like about temporary employment. This can make the disadvantages list to be a large one. However, we managed to find four of them that are common in every industry.

Another thing you may not like about the company you are working for as a temporary employee is their safety protocols. Above all, they are extremely important to handle the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Let us now show you these four disadvantages of working for a temporary staffing firm:

4.1. Instability

Changing positions regularly as a temporary employee can make you feel unstable. Furthermore, employers can end your job when they no longer need it without notice. This can leave you searching for other temporary roles frequently.

Therefore, this may not be your most adequate line of work if you are used to steadier jobs. You should seek temporary employment only if you find attractive its unpredictable nature. Such instability can affect temporary staff motivation substantially, which can then decrease productivity numbers. Hence, it is a good idea to know how to increase motivation among your remote employees & temporary staff.

4.2. Little to no benefits

Most companies worldwide seek to offer their permanent employees a good benefits package. It can include healthcare insurance, paid annual leave, and holiday bonuses, among others. However, temporary employees are not entitled to such benefits due to not belonging to the permanent employees’ payroll. Thus, if aspects such as health insurance and paid time off are important to you, maybe you should not seek work in a temporary staffing firm.

4.3. Loneliness

Short-term jobs often leave you with not enough time to form good relationships with your colleagues. In essence, temporary employment can make you feel like an outsider in a sea of permanent workers. Consequently, working for a temporary staffing firm requires a preference for working independently. It is not suitable for people that consider important the camaraderie of longtime coworkers.

4.4. Limited free time

Temporary staffing is very popular in business nowadays because of its low prices and other benefits. Such a real-life scenario will fill your calendar with multiple temporary jobs all year long. It’s possible that you won’t have the spare time you desire to take a break or look for other employment as a result. After all, the steps in the job search process, such completing applications and attending interviews, might take time.

Therefore, you can ask the temporary staffing firm you work for to let you participate in your work scheduling. If this is not a possibility and you want some free time, you may find permanent employment more adequate to your needs. Furthermore, this can be a major problem if your temporary staffing firms often schedule you to work on more than one job at a time.

5. Where can I find more information about temporary staffing firms?

The business of temporary staffing firms is growing at a fast rate around the world nowadays. Companies are now searching for temporary employees constantly. Therefore, it may seem like a great job career you can follow. But, you must first know its advantages and disadvantages to assess it properly.

A successful career in temporary employment will need that you choose a good Temporary Staffing Firm to work for. On Connect Staff, we believe in doing meaningful work for you. We can provide you with the temporary staffing services you need in your search for temporary roles.

Do you have some questions about temporary staffing services? Take the time to contact us and obtain more information about how we can help you, by calling us at +971 43 316 688. You can also email us at, to talk with one of our representatives who will answer all your questions.

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    Connect Staffing is established by Connect Group to connect you with life-giving opportunities and discover solutions to your tough hiring challenges, whether you’re establishing a career or a business.

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