Connect Staff

Connect Staffing is established by Connect Group to connect you with life-giving opportunities and discover solutions to your tough hiring challenges, whether you’re establishing a career or a business.

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Remote and Contract Work: Why Hire a Contract Staffing Agency?

New technologies have transformed immensely the job market. Working from home and temp employment offers new alternatives for businesses. Managers can resort to new strategies to hire and retain workers. Also, global circumstances highlighted the importance of remote and contract workers. Thus, more businesses now benefit by making use of a contract staffing agency.

In this article, we explore the territory of remote and contract work. You will understand the benefits of employing these approaches. Besides benefits, this article includes information about conditions on temp and remote workers. We also cover some tools to improve your relationship with those kinds of employees.

  1. What is remote work?
  2. What is contract work?
  3. How can businesses benefit from having remote workers?
  4. What are the benefits of contract employees?
  5. Why would a company hire remote or contract workers?
  6. What are the best options to inspire these sorts of staff?
  7. How do you establish a remote work policy?
  8. When is remote and contract employees a good alternative for companies?
  9. How can your business recruit contract and remote workers?

1. What is remote work?

One of the great technological achievements of our century was the internet. Thanks to it, we can do a lot of things virtually instead of the traditional ways. We no longer need to go to the bank for several transactions; the internet allows us to do them remotely. This has also impacted the job market. Companies have discovered the benefits of working out of the office.

Remote work consists in allowing employees to perform tasks related to their jobs outside of the regular office. It does not matter where there are located, they do the job. Regardless of the position, remote work includes whatever occupation is carried out of the business’ headquarters. This definition also includes hybrid jobs involving going to the office some days and working from home the rest of the week.

The remote modality allowed companies to survive the COVID-19 pandemic. Due to lockdowns and the risk of contagion, many businesses had to take the job out of the offices. Consequently, they adapted to virtual tasks and duties. By applying this system, companies avoided financial losses and, in extreme cases, bankrupt.

Even though this applies mainly to enterprises, freelancers joined the technological advance. People who work independently now have bigger opportunities. They offer their services through the internet on several platforms while working from their houses. A contract staffing agency uses remote processes. As a result, temp staff can work from home if the client accepts the possibility.

2. What is contract work?

Since a long time ago, the demand for workers grows exponentially. Sometimes, that demand exceeded the number of people available for open positions. This happens especially in departments requiring qualified professionals. Nonetheless, some businesses dedicate themselves to recruit constantly people able to work for a limited time. A company of this kind is called contract staffing agency.

Contract work includes those jobs in which a company hires a person to do specific tasks for a client during a period. In other words, staffing firms reach agreements with their clients to provide them with workers. Consequently, the temporary staff offers its knowledge and experience to a third party. The temp workforce usually does this to gain more experience or cover some personal expenses.

Clients generally hire a temp agency due to understaffing, especially during busy seasons. Therefore, they can fill additional positions required for that period. The client benefits from this modality because the agency covers employment expenses. Thus, the temp firm pays everything from taxes to payroll. This allows the client to save more money and focus on other matters.

Additionally, temporary staffing in Dubai has increased in previous years. Many staffing firms moved their headquarters to the UAE due to extensive advantages. Some of those include reduced taxes and the possibility to sponsor residency visas. Also, several enterprises with huge staffing needs relocate themselves to the country. Therefore, the need for qualified professionals creates more opportunities for staffing agencies.

3. How can businesses benefit from having remote workers?

Nowadays, remote work goes beyond businesses surviving the COVID-19 pandemic. Several organizations have reported increased gains after allowing work from home. You might think that working outside the office comes with several deficiencies. However, there are lots of benefits to consider, especially those related to productivity.

Compared with their office counterparts, teleworkers tend to be more efficient. They produce more in less time. Also, the quality of work sees lots of improvements. Remote workers are more creative because they are located spaces that stimulate creativity. Although distractions might appear, people outside the office face less pressure.

Consequently, better performance and productivity make the employee feel more enthusiastic. Bear this in your mind because it could change your business. If you expose your workers to more flexibility, they will improve the results. This happens because people operate better if they feel able to achieve better results.

Besides that, working remotely enhances workers’ conditions. They can control more aspects of their lives. This brings more satisfaction and performance at work. Also, they can balance time to optimize their duties. For that reason, you can rely on teleworkers to do the job. If you allow them to have more freedom, this will yield very positive results.

4. What are the benefits of contract employees?

Hiring employees for a limited time comes with multiple advantages. However, everything depends on your needs and goals. For instance, retailers require more people during busy seasons such as holidays. Contract workers will support the company’s efforts to sell more for that specific season. Consequently, profits will go up thanks to those spare hands.

One thing to bear in mind is the reduced time to hire. Permanent workers go through a long recruitment process. It includes several stages to filter candidates and choose the best options. Yet, the company will see results many weeks after the enrollment campaign. But it is different with contract staff.The contract staffing agency makes sure to have people ready in case companies need them.

Additionally, provisional workers represent fewer costs for the company. They do not need an annual salary; thus, you only pay them the worked period. Also, although hiring a permanent worker implies taxes, the temporary service takes care of paying insurance, taxes, and other expenditures related to their employees. This saves you a lot of money to invest in other areas.

In conclusion, working with contract staffing firms boost your business with less spending. Also, they have proven to be effective for many companies. This creates trust among staffing firms and clients. However, there are more reasons to hire temp and remote staff. For instance, the temp service can allow you to decide if you want to recruit permanently a worker.

5. Why would a company hire remote or contract workers?

Businesses sometimes require employees to fulfill extra demands. When they are in a hurry, a contract staffing agency stands out as the solution. This kind of service guarantees employees in no time. Consequently, the client can continue operating without worries about personnel. This way they can save time and effort.

Remote and contract workers also support the business’ growth. A developing company needs to increase constantly its workforce. To avoid recruitment campaigns, it resorts to a staffing agency. It acts as a recruiter but takes less time. The firm chooses the best options for its client from the available pool of workers. Then, the client can decide to contract permanently the worker.

By doing this, the hiring company avoids costs and wasting time. Staffing firms usually have big amounts of workers to supply the demand. Consequently, clients spend less time recruiting people. The firm can offer different kinds of contracts. While some workers only stay for the agreed period, others can be employed by the client.

These are the principal ones, though there are others. It makes sense to think about working with a temp staff agency. particularly if you need more employees quickly. It will enable you to concentrate on more pressing matters. As a result, the business will expand without as much stress. You’ll save more time and money as well.

6. What are the best options to inspire these sorts of staff?

Temp and remote workers usually adapt quickly to the situation. Nonetheless, sometimes they require some help to include themselves in the team. For that reason, you should consider meeting with them before they begin working. Let them know you and listen to who they are. By doing this, you will have a better understanding of their needs.

Also, this can promote teamwork. If your people participate in the meetings, they can engage with their new partners. Consequently, new and old workers will construct rapport. In addition, think about the best way to do these meetings. If the company hires remote workers, try video conference. Also, you can try to promote an in-person reunion. That could flow better and create more trust among the team members.

7. When is remote and contract employees a good alternative for companies?

Every business can take advantage of contract and remote worker staffing Dubai services. Although circumstances may vary, both kinds of professionals boost any organization. They can provide services that supply your staffing needs. So, depending on your niche, they will guarantee production and quality. However, it is important to consider your context to know if hiring them is a good option.

Busy seasons are when companies require more workers. These periods bring lots of customers that could be difficult to serve. Thus, evaluate first your performance to know your staffing needs. If the demand overwhelms your employees, consider hiring temp staff. This way you will address the issue of lacking personnel and increasing customers.

Besides busy seasons, new projects might call for bigger workforces. New duties usually need more workers to complete the tasks on time. Depending on the size of your goal, temp workers are useful as you balance the work. They will allow you to finish swiftly without increasing expenses too much. Additionally, productivity will increase due to more experienced people supporting the plan.

Also, take into account that remote workers can handle tasks better than permanent workers. A contract staffing agency can provide you with a professional to do some activities far from the office. This will relieve part of the burden of supervising employees. The staffing firm provides its workers with the essential tools and support to do the job.

8. How can your business recruit contract and remote workers?

In Connect Staff, we care about your business. Our company offers a wide array of services to its clients. Anything from call center executives to IT support representatives, Staff Connect has it. We have long experience in the area and several clients recommend us.

Our agency strives to guarantee high-quality services. Thus, we constantly recruit professionals to supply the huge demand for temporary workers. But we make sure to recruit only the best options for you. Our values lead us to choose and prepare the most qualified candidates. This way our company will satisfy your needs while creating a good reputation. You can click here to learn more about us.

Would you like to know more about our services? Connect Staff’s representatives are ready to talk with you. Call us on +97143316688 and one of our executives will answer your questions. Also, if you want particular attention, send us an email at We want to hear more about you and your business!

The Talent Point is looking for your talent. if you are interested in finding a job, send your CV or resume to Our recruiters will contact you for more information. We do not store any documents sent to our email. To know more about us visit

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