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uae labour law termination

UAE Labour Law of Termination: A Comprehensive Guide

Managing through the intricacies of termination of job in the UAE can be hard. Knowledge of the UAE Labour Law termination is key for both the employers and employees making their processes fair and legal. Whether it is about the workers’ rights enforcement or the employer’s duties clarification, the legal knowledge comes first.

Table of Contents

In this article, we investigate various facets of the UAE Labour Law of Termination. At this point, you will delve into the UAE Labour law termination benefits components and contract types differences. In this article, we intend to clarify the various aspects of employment termination in the UAE Labour Law of termination and how these could affect both, the company and the employee.

Understanding Termination under UAE Labour Law

uae labour law termination

Termination of Employment in the UAE has a regulation by a set of strict rules to take care of the rights of workers while maintaining efficiency in managing the workforce.

  • Notice Period: Both parties shall comply with the notice period clauses of their contract.
  • Valid Grounds for Termination: As per UAE Labour Law, lawful grounds for dismissal are outlined. Employers must abide by these.
  • Arbitrary Dismissal: Employees have anti-unfair dismissal protection. Legal recourse is available.
  • End of Service Benefits: At termination of employment, workers are usually eligible for some sort of end-of-service benefits.
  • Documentation: It is necessary to document the termination of UAE Labour Law carefully. This involves the explanation of why termination took place and the notice provided.
  • Limited vs. Unlimited Contracts: When it comes to limited vs. unlimited contracts, there is a difference in termination rules. It is essential that this difference be understood.
  • Severance Pay: Accurately computing severance pay is legally binding. This often depends on the sort of agreement and the duration of service.
  • Reconciliation Committee: Prior to going to the court, parties may have to visit the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation.
  • Legal Advice: Ensuring to have legal advice to deal with the intricate issue of termination is a must.
  • Resignation: Employees should understand their legal responsibilities when terminating the employment relationship.

Understanding these characteristics is crucial for ensuring that the termination UAE Labour Law process is legal and ethical. When the employer decides to terminate a limited or unlimited contract, the law stipulates how to follow the procedure of termination and also clarifies the privileges that are entitled to the employees.

In the UAE, employment termination means the termination of the employment contract between employees and employers.


  • Contractual Obligations: Parties must obey the parties defined in the employment agreement.
  • Notice Period: The notice period is a legal requirement for all except those who engage in severe misconduct.
  • End of Service Benefits: Benefit estimations are done considering the type of the contract and the time of service.
  • Arbitrary Dismissal: They may challenge a groundless dismissal in accordance with the provisions of UAE Labour Law.
  • Work Bans: Employees must be aware of sanctions for termination, as well as the terms of their removal.
  • Visa Status: In a termination case, it may affect the visa status of the expatriate workers.
  • Non-Competition Clauses: Some contracts comprise of clauses that limit future career possibilities.
  • Gratuity: Gratuity issue is important to know how it is related to termination.
  • Dispute Resolution: All parties have the right to resort to mechanisms of the law in order to resolve the issues arising from breaking the contract.

Legal consequences of job termination under UAE Labour Law of termination are substantial and need attentive look into. Apart from safeguarding the rights of both parties, the obedience of law serves the purposes of an even labor market.

Types of termination: employer-initiated and employee-initiated

  • Employer-Initiated Termination: It may happen due to redundancy, misconduct, or performance inadequacy.
  • Employee-Initiated Termination: Moreover, the period of notice and additional reasons for quitting the job must be taken into consideration.
  • Redundancy: Laws on redundancy are somewhat particular, they may involve proving economic necessity.
  • Misconduct: Immediate termination can result in cases of serious misconduct, but misconduct definition has to be extend.
  • Performance: Usually employers need to issue warnings as well as performance improvement plans.
  • Resignation: Employees typically do not qualify for unfair termination when they decide to resign.
  • End of Contract: Terminating that contract will follow different rules if it is a limited contract versus an unlimited contract.
  • Constructive Dismissal: In others, employee initiated dismissal may be regarded as constructive dismissal where the breach of contract of the employer is involved.
  • Notice and Documentation: The notice together with the documentation related will be legal for both types of termination.

It is crucial to grasp the subtleties of the termination that can be employer-initiated, as well as the termination that can be employee-initiated, to meet the requirements of UAE Labour Law. It allows the whole process to be transparent, depending on the rule of law, fair, and within the scope of the law.

Termination Procedures and Requirements

Proper termination procedure is the essence of the UAE Labour law termination that implies just and impartial treatment and performance of duties.

  • Reason for Termination: It is important to mention the valid reason for termination in the notice and make sure that it represents the legal grounds.
  • Notice Period: Make certain that you observe the due notice period as per the contract of employment or the Labour Law, unless the termination is on grounds of gross misconduct.
  • Clearance: Let him undergo a clearance process to verify his return of the company belongings.
  • Settlement of Dues: Add up and settle your bills which include unpaid salary, overtime, and benefits.
  • End of Service Benefits: Compute at the end of service the right amount of gratuity and entitlements.
  • Repatriation: Take care of the evacuation or repatriation of expatriate staff, if it is the case.
  • No Objection Certificate (NOC): Think about a NOC which, probably, might be necessary for the applicant in the future for his/her employment in the UAE.
  • Ministry Notification: Inform Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation, in case if necessary.
  • Record Keeping: Keep the record of the termination process. This is specific as far as the future disputes is concerned.
  • Handover Process: Arrange the passing of duties and responsibility to other staff or temporary employees.
  • Exit Interview: Carry out an exit interview with the aim of obtaining feedback as well as the employees’ point of view.

These procedures and due process not only ensure legal adherence but also foster professionalism and due regard to the rights of exiting employees.

Procedures and requirements for lawful termination

  • Valid Reason: Ascertain that the reason for termination is lawful, including for example instances of underperformance or redundancy.
  • Notice: As per the contract, give written notice of dismissal and make sure that the minimum periods are followed according to the law.
  • Documented Evidence: If terminating for cause, document it, i.e. records of performance evaluations and warnings.
  • Final Settlement: Calculate and pay the termination dues which also include unpaid wages and leave entitlements.
  • End of Service Benefits: Execute and discharge post-service benefits excluding termination for just cause.
  • Ministry Notification: To inform the Ministry of Labour about the termination, especially when it involves mass layoffs.
  • Handover: Arrange a professional handover of responsibilities and Company property.

Such procedures are set up to safeguard the rights of employees and offer a clear directive to employers on dealing with their work-force.

Notice periods, termination reasons, and documentation

  • Notice Periods: Comply with the notice period or the notice period in the UAE Labour Law.
  • Valid Reasons for Termination: Guarantee that the termination reasons are appropriate i.e. either due to economic necessity or conduct unbecoming.
  • Written Documentation: Give a termination letter which explains the reasons and the period of notice that you are being given.
  • Record Keeping: Keep documents pertaining to the termination such as employee files, performance records, and correspondence.
  • Legal Compliance: Confirm that each of your steps taken is in accordance with UAE Labour Law termination to avoid causing problems or legal actions.

The legal termination of employment in the UAE can only take place respecting the legal notice periods and reasons for termination, otherwise it will be illegal.

UAE Labour Law Termination Benefits and Entitlements

  • Gratuity Pay: Employees are afforded an end-of-service gratuity as determined by the number of years of their service.
  • Unpaid Wages: Payment of all wages due up until the date of termination must be done.
  • Repatriation Costs: The local worker is eligible for a return ticket to her place of origin.
  • Compensation for Arbitrary Dismissal: If the termination is arbitrarily decided, more compensation should be paid.
  • Bonuses and Commissions: The specific contract determines whether an employee is entitled to a bonus or commission subject to termination or not.

It is very important for employers to know about these entitlements and for employees to be aware of their rights as this will bring the termination could be fair and lawful.

Employee entitlements upon termination

  • End-of-Service Gratuity: Employees who serve the organization for one year or more are eligible for this benefit.
  • Accrued Annual Leave: Annual leave that has not been taken has to be compensated for.
  • Airfare: Under a typical contract, an expatriate employee may be given a right to a flight home.
  • Bonuses and Commissions: With respect to the agreements, any outstanding bonuses or commissions should be accounted for.
  • Compensation for Unfair Dismissal: If an arbitrary termination is proving, then the employee may get compensation.

All these prerequisites should be dealt with cautiously to avoid any disobedience.

Calculation and making disbursements of end-of-service gratuity, notice pay, etc.

It is crucial to obtain a detailed benefit estimation at the end of service.

  • End-of-Service Gratuity: It is according to the final salary and the number of years worked. Regarding fixed-term and permanent contracts, the specific requirements are applicable.
  • Notice Pay: Calculated by dividing the daily wages by the notice period of the contract, as mentioned in the agreement.
  • Annual Leave: Annual payout depends on the basic salary rate.
  • Airfare: The cost is calculated in accordance with the current rate of the destination country.
  • Bonuses/Commissions: According to the terms of the employment contract the amount is calculated.

The distribution of these benefits is to be done on the last day of work or upon the terms of the employment contract that exists, so that the ending of both employer and employee becomes easy.

Grounds for Termination

Under the UAE Labour Law, the valid reasons for termination of employment agreements are well established.

  • Performance Issues: If a person shows on-going poor performance and ignores warnings and support, he or she may be terminated.
  • Misconduct: Disciplinary measures, especially for misconducts that are grave, are immediately imposed without any notice.
  • Redundancy: Economy could be viewed as the reason for overloading, but this should be done carefully and with due procedure followed.
  • Mutual Agreement: Not only can the parties consent but also to the contract end, perhaps with the payment.
  • Contract Expiry: Limited contracts automatically finish at the specific termination date unless renewed.
  • Permanent Incapacity: If an employee is not able to work because of the unavailability of any health reasons, the employee will be subject to termination upon verification by the medical board.
  • Absconding: Termination of the employee may take place within a specific period, if the employee been absent without any valid reason.
  • Violation of Laws: If any of the laws of the UAE are violated or the employment agreement is reached, the employers have the right to dismiss the employees.

It is important for employers to record the basis for dismissal and adhere to the legal instructions, including offering notice and compensation if due. For employees these grounds are important to defend their own rights and actually challenge the injustice of unjustified dismissal.

Maintaining a clear communication way, taking note of all processes in documents and following the UAE Labour Law termination guidelines will contribute to the fair, transparent, and equitable termination process for both parties involved. Either for unacceptable performance, misconduct, redundancy or any other reasons, compliance of the law is crucial enough so as to prevent litigation and possible legal actions.

Recognized grounds for termination under UAE Labour Law

UAE Labour Code specifies in detail the grounds for possible termination of employment contracts.

  • Poor Performance: A continuous performance below the set standards may result in warning. Followed by more warning will lead to termination.
  • Violations of Duties: Breach of employer’s responsibilities with proper investigation becomes a well-accepted reason.
  • Misconduct: Gross misconduct including severe violations of company operations or other colleagues may lead to immediate dismissal.
  • Illegal Activity: Employee involvement in any illegal activities shall automatically lead to dismissal.
  • Absence: An annually set number of days absent from work without approval may be seen as a reason for employee dismissal.
  • Safety Violations: Trespasses of safety that put others in danger should let go of their employment.
  • Operational Changes: Company processes, such as downsizing, usually culminate in termination due to redundancy.
  • End of Contract Term: Limited-term contracts have a built-in termination period, which of course ends the employment unless renewed.
  • Mutual Agreement: Either employee or employer can unilaterally terminate an employment contract, which may include severance package.

An awareness of these accepted grounds allows both parties to work in harmony and under the same laws.

  • Documentation: The employers need to explain and keep the record of the reasons and procedures for terminating an employee.
  • Notice: The majority of dismissed employees will be given a notice period barring the exception in cases of gross misconduct.
  • Severance: It is mandatory to compute and pay the severance pay unless the termination was based on culpability reason.
  • Investigation: For the charges of misconduct or duty violations, a proper investigation will be needed.
  • Redundancy Notices: In instances of redundancy, employers shall be requested to substantiate the necessity of operational reasons.
  • Visa Cancellation: Post-termination, expatriate workers shall follow through visa cancellation procedures.
  • End-of-Service Benefits: Employers should calculate and make payouts of termination benefits as per the laws.
  • Dispute Resolution: In the event that the termination results in the dispute, the legal recourses exist to settle the conflict.
  • Repatriation: Employers are to cover and pay for repatriation except in cases of resignation or dismissal on grounds of misconduct.
  • Record-Keeping: All termination documentation must be kept for the purpose of future reference or in case of possible disputes.

Compliance with these legal provisions as well as procedures is critical to establishing a legally sound dismissal that can be reasonably defended under UAE law. Employers should handle each termination with a lot of care, but employees should have knowledge of their rights to prevent unfair treatment.

Redundancy and Layoffs

Both redundancy and layoffs are sensitive issues that management may encounter due to organizational restructuring or major economic downturn.

  • Legitimate Reasons: Employers need to have well-founded reasons for redundancies, among them very pronounced changes in the business.
  • Notice Period: The law requires employers to have respect for the notice period provided in employment contracts or by UAE Labor Law.
  • Severance Package: Discharged employees usually have right to severance package, which constitutes of different packages.
  • Ministry Notification: Employers have to inform the Ministry of Labour about the layoffs, especially if we are dealing with large-scale redundancies.
  • Fair Selection Process: In case of redundancy, the selection of employees should be impartial and clear, taking into account the objective criteria.
  • Consultation with Employees: It is highly recommended that the employees or their reps be consulted before making any final decisions.
  • Assistance with Employment: It is essential to provide help with exploring new employment opportunities as part of the job loss.
  • Final Settlement: All final salaries and benefits as well as gratuity due at the end of service of any employees must be fully paid by the employer.

It is paramount that care is taken to ensure that layoffs and redundancies are handled thoughtfully in order to preserve the company’s reputation and provide assistance to those displaced from the organization.

Replacement happens when an employee’s role becomes no longer necessary, typically caused by an economic downturn or a corporate reorganization.

  • Valid Reasons: It is imperative for employers to have a legitimate reason for redundancies, where the most common ones are economic, technological or structural changes.
  • Notification: Before layoff, employers have a given time to notify employees.
  • Ministry Notification: The Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation will be notified if downsizing is to take place, especially for large-scale redundancies.
  • Employee Severance: Separation pay is calculated per the terms of employment length and salary level.
  • End-of-Service Gratuity: Employees entitled to end of service benefits unless they are dismissed for disciplinary reasons.
  • Non-Discrimination: The redundancy process must be equitable and nondiscriminatory.
  • Visa Considerations: Visa matters need to be coordinated in accordance to the UAE legislation for expatriate employees.

The comprehension of the implications of redundancy and the legal aspects around layoffs will help to maintain employers’ ethical behavior and to inform workers about their own rights.

Consultation process, notification requirements, and employee rights

  • Consultation: The employers should discuss these layoff plans with the employees or their representatives before going ahead with the substantive redundancies.
  • Notification Period: Employees are given their notice period before ending their employment due to their contract or at the legal minimum.
  • Reason for Redundancy: Workers must be given an explanation as to why they are being made redundant.
  • Priority for Re-Employment: Accordingly, employers must provide redundant workers chances to be first in line whenever the company is creating new roles.
  • Training for Alternative Employment: Employers are to be advised to offer trainings or give a hand as redundant employees search for new jobs.
  • Compensation and Benefits: All the unpaid salaries, habitual allowances, and gratuity ought to be computed and delivered.
  • Dispute Resolution: If there are disagreements, employees are allowed to bring up the dispute at the proper governmental organization or in the court.
  • Record-Keeping: Redundancy records must be maintained by the employers to evidence the fact that they have kept to the law.

These rules and regulations ensure that employee rights are honored and that the employers perform their legal obligation as it is a difficult time of lay-offs and redundancies.

In the UAE, employees must claim for justification of termination if they believe it was unlawful. An unfair dismissal is one that is done without a proper cause or without proper following of a procedure set out by the UAE Labour Law.

  • Understanding Unfair Dismissal: It is important to understand the fact that what is unfair dismissal. It includes insufficient prior notice, or arbitrary firing.
  • Seek Legal Advice: If you feel that you have been dismissed unjustly, make sure you speak to a lawyer. They can help you assess the case’s strength.
  • File a Complaint: Submit a complaint to the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation. They will be the intermediaries between you and the employer.
  • Prepare Documentation: Collect all the documents that are related to the case, such as employment contracts, letters, dispute notices, and so on.
  • Consider the Labour Court: If a decision hasn’t been made through mediation, the Labour Court becomes the one that follows.
  • Claim Compensation: The court may grant you a compensation if you could prove that your dismissal was invalid.
  • Gather Evidence: Present the basis for unfair dismissal, using employee testimonies or written warnings as examples. Example:
  • Understand Time Limits: Keep in mind the time frame in which you have to submit your claim. Prompt action is essential.
  • Legal Representation: Legal representation in court is one way to ensure your case is told properly.
  • Negotiate Settlements: If there is a chance, reach an agreement out of the court room. It can save time and legal fees.
  • Know Your Rights: Do not forget about your rights regarding notification period, severance payment, and end-of-service benefits during termination.
  • Compliance with Judgements: If the court decides to rule in your favor, fully comply with the ruling.

Unfair dismissal under UAE Labour Law

In UAE unfair dismissal means the termination that is not conducted with the provisions of UAE Labour Law. Here is what this entails:

  • Definition: Reasons may be considered as unfair if there’s no valid reason behind it or it’s not in accordance with the legal procedures.
  • Just Cause: The basis of a dismissal is regulated by the law. Anything beyond the scope of these prescriptions can be deemed unfair.
  • Notice Period: A dismissal could be deemed unfair if any contractual and legal notice period are not followed accordingly.
  • Proper Process: The absence of adherence to the right procedures may be viewed as unfair dismissal.
  • Documentary Evidence: Keeping the evidences of any misconduct or issues is the responsibility of the employers.
  • Employee’s Rights: Employees can get compensation even if they are fired for no legal reasons.

The recognition of causes for a just dismissal should be the fundamental idea for the prevention of wrongful termination and for securing employee rights.

  • Complaint Filing: File a complaint with the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation or a free zone authority.
  • Compensation Claims: If the dismissal is unjustified, employees can demand damages for unfair treatment.
  • Reinstatement: In certain scenarios, the judge can restore the job of the employee.
  • Legal Counsel: Retain legal counsel to be knowledgeable about UAE labour law termination and navigate the judicial system.
  • Arbitration: Some of these disputes could be resolved via arbitration instead of the courts.
  • Mediation: Ministry offers mediation services for dispute resolution and avoid litigation.

These legal remedies involve an understanding of the law, a detailed timeline or record of employment, and usually the assistance of lawyers who have worked on similar matters.

Resignation and Notice Periods

Resignation refers to the employee’s own decision to leave his/her job position.

  • Notice Requirement: Employees must announce their leaving arrangements in accordance with the agreement terms, commonly 30-90 days.
  • Contract Type: The contract may be limited or unlimited and the period of notice may vary accordingly.
  • Early Resignation: For limited contracts, an employee may have to pay some penalties when they resign from their job before the contract expires, except in cases where the employer is at fault.
  • Resignation Format: The letter should be written, identifying the purpose and being the final working day.
  • Handover Process: The employees need to make the process simple, by transferring responsibilities and company materials when necessary.
  • Final Settlement: Leaving the job, employees are going to get the final paycheck with any unpaid monies and end-of-service grants.
  • Ban Consideration: Note that the policy might prohibit you from seeking new work permits if you quit, depending on the circumstances and the type of contract you have.

Recognizing these rules allows the personnel resignation to be treated as a formal manner and based on the UAE employment regulations.

Resignation procedures and notice periods

  • Resignation Letter: The resignation initiation process starts with an official letter from the employee indicating their desire to leave and the date.
  • Notice Periods: As per the UAE Labour Law, notice periods can range from 30 to 90 days, subject to the wording of the contract.
  • Limited Contracts: If contracts are limited, for instance, early termination of the contract may lead to specific financial consequences.
  • Unlimited Contracts: Because the termination period is unlimited, either party is allowed to break off the contract by giving due notice.
  • Handover Process: The planned handover of jobs and company property will be performed in detail so that the operations will not be interrupted.
  • Settling Dues: The employer settles all dues that might be outstanding, including salary, accrued holiday, and end of service entitlements.
  • Avoiding Penalties: Following notice period terms keeps penalties and ban on future employment in UAE at bay.
  • Legal Advice: A legal assistance is recommendable in case the resignation conditions or notice period are in dispute.

Such steps guarantee the procedure of the resignation is in compliance with UAE labor legislature and is considerate for every party.

Consequences of resigning without proper notice

  • Penalties: A worker may be sanctioned with a fine that is equal to the salary that corresponds to the number of working days he or she has not served.
  • Reputation: The future career opportunities depend much on how one quits his/her current job.
  • Legal Action: Employers can file lawsuits in which they may be fined or banned for discharging workers prior to appropriate notice.
  • Gratuity Forfeit: When workers resign without sufficient notice, they will be deprived of their end-of-service award according to some conditions.
  • Visa Cancellation Issues: Quitting suddenly without further notice, however, may make the visa cancellation process complicated, especially for expatriates.
  • No NOC: Employees may not be issued a No Objection Certificate (NOC) which will stand as an obstacle to their employment prospects in the UAE.

Complying with notice periods of employment is not only a professional requirement but also a factor that influences the future career and financial condition of the employee.

Probationary Period Termination

Full termination, as specified under UAE Labour Law, is allowed during the probation period. Here is how it is approached:

  • Clear Terms: Contract should contain probationary period definition, which should not be longer than six months.
  • Termination Notice: Either party may terminate the contract during its probationary period, commonly using shorter notice periods.
  • Immediate Termination: Employees could be dismissed without notice on the ground of non-performance, but reasons should be stipulated.
  • Employee Rights: Employees terminated during a trial period have fewer rights than employees terminated afterwards.
  • End-of-Service Benefits: In most cases, employees cannot claim end-of-service gratuity if their employment is terminated during the probationary period.
  • Payment for Work: Employees have to be covered for the timespan of their employment, including their probation period.
  • Employment Ban: The consequences of termination at this time could range from a ban to an employment entirely based on the prevailing circumstances.
  • Record-Keeping: It is the duty of the employers to state the grounds for termination in the probation period so to justify the employees.

The nitty-gritty of probation period termination coaching employers and employees manage expectations and obligations during this period of trial.

Termination during the probationary period

Firing is a sensitive issue during the probationary period.

  • Defined Duration: The law usually designates six months of probation period.
  • Rights During Probation: The employee rights can be limited in the time of redundancy.
  • Notice Period: The employer can easily dismiss the contract with little or no advance warning.
  • Termination by Employee: Additionally, employees can also end the contract. However, such action can lead to an employment ban.
  • Reasons for Termination: Employers must give clear and legitimate grounds for termination instead of dismissal based on the whim of the employer.
  • Documentation: The correct way for meeting legal requirements is to document termination process in detail.

Being aware of these aspects will make the termination to be carried out according to laws during the probationary period.

The legal basis for probation contracts is exacting. Here is what it entails:

  • Probationary Terms: Contracts should contain the terms and conditions of probation unequivocally, namely, the duration and conditions.
  • Notice Period: The law requires a due notice — usually less than for public sector employment.
  • Early Termination: Both parties can terminate the agreement while probation is underway, on the basis of predetermined provisions.
  • Payment Due: Employers are obliged to foot the bill for the actual number of worked hours and any accrued benefits.
  • Ban Implications: Resigning during probation may result in the employment bans that will depend on visa status and contract terms.
  • End-of-Service Gratuity: Gratuity to employees does not apply if they terminate the employment during probation.

Abiding to these legal requisites is the way to manufacture probationary periods as a fair reverence to both the employer and the employee.

Termination in Special Circumstances

  • Health Issues: On the basis of health issues, the employee, who cannot fulfill normal duties, must be subject to medical assessment and HR protocols.
  • Business Closure: Closing a business means employees are entitled to some severance pay off.
  • Force Majeure: In cases of force majeure which results in the operations business being adversely affected an employer must follow the legal procedure for termination.
  • Disability: When an employee in the workplace get disabled, he must be accommodated within the organization if it’s possible. If so or not, one should follow a legal termination process.
  • Death: In the case of an anomaly where an employee dies, their beneficiaries have the right to end-of-service benefits.
  • Workplace Conflict: Workplace conflicts may cause termination. Therefore, mediation or legal recourse may be necessary to achieve fairness.
  • Regulatory Changes: Other times, the law may require ending contracts implying that the termination procedures must be consistent with any new rules and regulations.

In every special case, employers have to document the situation as well as notify the staff affected in order to comply with the given laws and regulations.

Termination laws in special circumstances (e.g., sickness, maternity leave)

  • Sickness: We provide employees with up to 90 days’ sick leave in case they are sick. Termination on account of illness alone is permissible after the said period with a valid doctor’s report.
  • Maternity Leave: Women on maternity leave can terminate their contracts as a effect of pregnancy or childbirth.
  • Work-Related Injuries: Employees cannot be dismissed for being injured/ill at work or for illnesses related to the job so long as it is confirmed by the physician.

There are laws and employee responsibilities that apply in such circumstances.

  • Notification Requirements: The employers must be informed on the specified Sickness or Maternity leave processes.
  • Protection from Dismissal: Employees are safeguarded from being dismissed or fired over sickness absence or maternity leave.
  • Full Pay: Those on sick leave that have worked there for a longer time can get a full or partial salary paid, depending on the duration of their illness.
  • Right to Return: Following the maternity leave or after being cured from a disease, the employees are guaranteed the right to return to the same job or a similar one with the same pay.
  • Compensation: In case of the wrongful termination in the above conditions, the employee will be legally eligible for receiving compensation.
  • No Prejudice: The employers should be restrained from depriving an employee of his rights and privileges during these periods as well.

The employers have to handle termination laws with great care in the rare cases and they are supposed to observe the legal rights of employees. They, in turn, should be well informed on the rights which are reserved for them.

Seeking legal guidance is a step that should never be omitted as it helps us understand and manage the intricacies of UAE Labour Law termination benefits.

  • Consult a Lawyer: Our legal team with the UAE Labour Law expertise can offer you solutions adapted to your needs.
  • Legal Clinics: They give free or affordable legal clinics where people get initial advice.
  • Online Resources: The United Arab Emirates’ Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation website has the resources and information.
  • Legal Helplines: Use government helpline or hotline in case of sudden questions on labour law.
  • Law Libraries: Library research gives knowledge on the case law and the legal precedents.
  • Union Representation: However, there are professional bodies or employee associations in the UAE that may provide a consultation service.
  • Embassy Services: Moreover, expatriates can get legal help from their embassy or consulate.
  • Legal Forums: It is possible to receive advice from other members in online forums, as they have also gone through the same ordeal.
  • HR Consultation: In addition to this, Human Resources can as well explain to employees about some legal issues.

The parties may then access the avenues of legal advice and resources which help them gain the knowledge necessary to deal with employment-related issues appropriately and professionally.

  • Hire Employment Lawyers: Look for lawyers who are experts in UAE Labour Law Termination benefits for advice.
  • Consultation Services: Utilize the consultation services in order to have a clearer idea about your legal standing.
  • Legal Representation: In the event of disputes, legal representation paramount for court proceedings.
  • Understanding Rights: Lawyers reassure you about your rights and liabilities under the law.
  • Drafting Documents: Expertise in drafting legal documents is one of the things that can help prevent future contests.
  • Negotiation Help: The case of legal professionals is that they can negotiate the settlement terms in cases of termination or dispute.
  • Dispute Resolution: Consider resolving the dispute by mediation before choosing to litigate.

Proper legal counseling and support are unreplaceable for avoiding pertinent employment laws in the UAE in an assured manner.

Available resources and support for employers and employees

  • Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation: Provides thorough guides, services, and helpdesk.
  • Legal Aid: In particular, some people might be worthy of legal aid or pro bono services in some cases.
  • HR Consultancies: Inform employers on legal matters and HR practices.
  • Community Support Groups: Fora and categories for sharing experiences and tips.
  • Online Platforms: Most legal companies have online resources that provide information on labour laws and frequently asked questions.
  • Educational Workshops: These may assist employers and employees be informed with the legal developments.
  • Professional Associations: Provide counseling and at times refer members to attorneys.

Tapping into these resources leads to the mediation of informed decision-making when it comes to employment issues and the creation of a legally compliant and enabling work environment.

UAE Labour Law Termination: Unlimited Contract

  • Notice Period: Each side will have to serve a prior notice period, usually of 30 to 90 days.
  • Termination Reasons: Identified reasons for dismissal should be given (except if it is a mutual agreement).
  • End-of-Service Gratuity: Staff are entitled to a fixed amount as a gratuity based on their length of service.
  • Compensation: The employee may be entitled to a severance payment if the dismissal is without any reason.
  • Arbitrary Dismissal: Employees can appeal against arbitrary terminations.
  • Documentation: Companies need to record the termination procedure very clearly as a way of preventing conflicts.

Acquainting oneself with the cause of terminating an unlimited contract is the first step to adhering with UAE Labour Law Termination: Unlimited Contract and protection of both employers and employees.

UAE Labour Law Termination: Limited Contract

uae labour law termination

  • Duration: These contracts serve for a certain time and generally one party is not allowed to quit without any responsibility.
  • Early Termination: If an employer terminates the employees contract without cause, then additional compensation amounting to the period until contract end may be necessary.
  • Employee Termination: An employee that early terminates a limited contract will probably have to pay the employer back.
  • End-of-Service Gratuity: The employees who have finished their contract are eligible to end-of-service benefits.
  • Notice Period: Non-renewable contracts could do without a notice period if at the end of contract period they are not renewed.
  • Mutual Consent: The parties may comment on the termination of the contract before the time agreed, but the conditions of such agreement should be stipulated.
  • Valid Reasons: Due to performance or conduct, dismissal must be by legal standards and documents.

It is pertinent that employers and employees be conversant with these intricate details because the termination has to be done according to UAE Labour Law.

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