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leave salary calculation in uae

Types of leaves employees can avail in 2024

All people working in the United Arab Emirates can use different permits. This is in case you need any of them. Employees, parents, and students have the option of taking advantage of nine types of leave, each with different conditions. It is important to mention that employers must take this into account when carrying out the leave salary calculation in UAE.

In this article, we will give you all the information that an employee should know about the types of leaves in a job. We will inform you of all the conditions of the licenses that you can take during the year in case you need them. For instance, annual leave in UAE. This can also be very helpful for employers who are going to carry out the company’s leave salary calculation in UAE.

1. Learn more about the types of leaves in a job

leave salary calculation in UAE

All people working in the United Arab Emirates have the option of applying for different permits throughout their working life; which must be reflected in your leave salary calculation in UAE. In total there are nine different types of leave for which workers can apply. Below you will see a detailed description of these permissions.

1.1 Student’s leave

Employees who are studying at one of the educational institutions in the UAE are granted the right to a student permit; which lasts 10 days and is every year to be able to present their exams. It is important to mention that, to opt for this license; The worker must have at least two years of working in the company.

1.2 Sick leave

Employees are granted 3 months of sick leave each year after passing the probationary period. If you need to use this permission, you should know that you can do it continuously or intermittently. In addition, the worker who needs it has to inform the employer three days beforehand and submit the medical report.

Within these 3 months, 15 days the full salary is given to the payment. If it is extended to 30 days, in the additional 15 days you only receive half the salary. Finally, in the additional days that remain to meet the 90 days, you do not receive payment.

Types of Employment Leaves in UAE

1.3 Annual holiday

All employees, both foreigners, and citizens have the right to a few days of annual vacation; once they complete six months of working in the company. They are granted a license with a duration of 30 paid days after completing the year of work. However, workers who are hired part-time are entitled to annual leave following the guidelines of the labor contract. It is important that if you are an employee who is working online, you understand the difference between your job and one that is part-time.

1.4 Permission for Hajj/Umrah

Employers can provide special permission to be able to perform the Hajj. Hajj is a Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca. This leave cannot exceed one month and is granted only once in all the time the employee is working in the company.

1.5 Parental license

All employees working in a private sector company; are given a five-day leave after the birth of their child. It is important that you know that the employer must be given a record of this event. This license can be available from the day the baby is born until six months after this fact.

1.6 Others

Above, five of the nine licenses available in the UAE were mentioned, according to labor law. These permits are the most emblematic that exist, but four others are also important. Next, you will see the list of the other licenses available; which every employer should be aware of and thus avoid excessive payroll costs due to inconvenience.

  • Maternity leave.
  • Leave for family reasons or due to bereavement.
  • Licenses and official vacations.
  • Sabbatical leave.

2. If you need help with the leave salary calculation, do not hesitate to contact Connect Staff

Every good businessman should know that the most important thing in a company is the hard-working staff. That is why everything related to payroll must be done correctly. This is because the biggest motivation that an employee has is his salary and benefits; so they expect a good leave salary calculation to be done in UAE.

If you are looking for quality personnel to be part of your company, you should contact Connect Staff. With us, you can find all the workers you need. And not only that, but we also offer payroll outsourcing services. Contact us now!

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