Connect Staff

Connect Staffing is established by Connect Group to connect you with life-giving opportunities and discover solutions to your tough hiring challenges, whether you’re establishing a career or a business.

performance of your temporary workers

Should you evaluate temporary employees’ performance?

Employees benefit from regular performance reviews because they receive valuable feedback and guidance. Most companies review their regular employees’ work at least once a year with each employee. Evaluating the performance of your temporary workers can also provide useful information.

In this article, you will learn everything about measuring your temporary employees’ performance. Let us observe:

  1. An overview
  2. How to evaluate the performance of your temporary workers
  3. Experiment with rating
  4. Rating at your discretion
  5. Is automatic evaluation enough?
  6. Advantages of a rating system
  7. Benefits of evaluating your temporary employees’ performance
  8. Tips for improving the performance of your temporary workers
  9. How can Connect Staff help you?

1. An overview

It is common practice to hire temporary workers to meet surges in contact center demand. Companies across industries do so during the summer, when permanent employees are on vacation, during the busy holiday season; or in response to large-scale marketing campaigns.

However, the practice is not without difficulties. You may struggle with evaluating the performance of your temporary workers during the hiring process and ensuring that they demonstrate the same level of commitment as permanent employees. Companies must look inward and implement several practices to make the most of situations involving temps.

2. How to evaluate the performance of your temporary workers

Because employees do not work in a single team with a single manager, traditional questionnaires and performance reviews are ineffective in this situation. Furthermore, managerial evaluations are subjective, often overly formal, and typically occur once every six months to a year.

They reveal very little about the current situation. A five-star rating is insufficiently versatile and detailed. It is far more effective to evaluate continuously, ideally after each completed job; with a system that allows for settings that are tailored to your specific requirements.

3. Experiment with rating

A rating is a number that reflects a worker’s attendance, dependability, and experience. It automatically increases with each completed shift and decreases when the worker violates the rules or fails to meet the required standard.

It is completely transparent to both you and your employees. The rating system motivates workers because it determines their salary. Also, it is one of the main criteria for being able to apply for jobs that require more skills and experience. For you, the rating system ensures the dependability, skills, and quality of your employees.

4. Rating at your discretion

To ensure that the rating works best for your company, it is critical to define the parameters that you will use to determine the rating. Will everyone’s initial rating number be the same? How sensitive should the rating system be to rule violations? Do you want to levy fines?

Does a progressive rating make sense in your field – the higher the rating number, the easier /more difficult it is to deduct evaluation points? Do you prefer to express an employee’s punctuality, dependability, and quality with a single number, or would you prefer to rate attendance differently?

The initial setup is quick and easy, and it pays off in the long run. Any combination can be handled by the right rating system; simply tailor it to your needs.

On the other hand, Connect Staff offers outstanding temporary staffing solutions. Feel free to contact us for more.

5. Is automatic evaluation enough?

Rating points are automatically assigned or deducted after each job, ensuring maximum objectivity and fairness for both parties while avoiding unnecessary paperwork. Simultaneously, it allows for manual adjustment by a team leader, manager, or administrator.

They can give or take away rating points based on exceptional good or bad performance, commitment, and other qualities. They must, however, always explain the change in detail so that the evaluation remains transparent and factual.

6. Advantages of a rating system

  • It is unbiased. Managers’ meaningless formulations and subjective evaluations are no longer acceptable. The rating system is unaffected by how your manager feels.
  • It accurately reflects the current situation. You have a constant and clear overview thanks to the combination of rating and feedback. You will receive a concrete, dynamically changing picture of your workers’ current situation and performance.
  • It can be adjusted. You will receive a tool that directly meets the needs of your company as a result of the initial parameter setting.
  • It is energizing. The rating system is not limited to finance. Employees with a higher rating have access to more qualified and interesting work. You will be able to tell who wants to advance professionally right away.
  • It is straightforward. You will not waste time on unnecessary administration when you use the rating system. Simply click a few times, and the rest will be done for you automatically.

7. Benefits of evaluating your temporary employees’ performance

There are several advantages to evaluating the performance of temporary employees.

7.1. Instructing temporary employees on how to improve their performance

Temporary and contract workers, like regular employees, perform better when they receive specific, constructive feedback on their work. While managers can provide some guidance on a day-to-day basis, an overall performance review provides a global view of the employee’s work. It identifies both areas in which he or she excels and areas in which he or she can improve.

7.2. An objective measure of performance

When the same standard performance evaluation steps are used for all employees, an objective measure of comparison is provided. You can use performance review data to compare how temporary employees perform in comparison to one another and regular staff.

7.3. Helping decision-makers make the right choices

Consider the following scenario: your company has had several contract workers on board for the past six months. One employee, in particular, appears to be thriving and has integrated seamlessly into your company’s culture. But how is this worker doing in general?

Where are this person’s strengths and weaknesses, and how do they compare to other workers’ strengths and weaknesses? When deciding whether to make a temporary hire permanent, data from performance evaluations can help decision-makers answer these questions.

7.4. Performance evaluations assist your staffing partner in assisting you

The information gleaned from a temporary employee’s performance evaluation can also help you communicate more effectively with your staffing partner. Performance reviews provide insight into issues you may be experiencing with temporary employees, assisting your company in determining a better fit for future employees.

Your staffing partner can provide better-quality talent for both temporary and contract positions by better understanding your company’s needs.

8. Tips for improving the performance of your temporary workers

8.1. Preparing for the coming year

You and your temporary employee should talk about the work objectives for the coming year. This discussion should take place around the time of the annual performance review for the previous year. The following topics may be discussed:

  • Examine your temp employee’s job description. Is it correct and complete?
  • Objectives (written in a list) for the coming year. Your temporary employee’s objectives should be linked to departmental objectives and your employee’s job description.
  • An evaluation of the skills and knowledge that your employee will need to acquire to achieve the objectives.
  • Discussion of your long-term professional objectives. This is an excellent time to advocate for professional development opportunities such as training and job opportunities.

Hence, temp employees’ goals and any necessary professional development should be documented by you and your employee. Make a copy of this document so you can refer to it during the next review period.

8.2. New employees

New classified non-union and contract covered staff employees, as well as current classified non-union and contract covered staff employees, are usually required to serve a probationary or trial service period. The applicable collective bargaining agreement or employment program determines the length of this period.

Make sure your employees understand the objectives and expectations they must meet to complete this period and transition to permanent status.

Professional staff does not have a probationary or trial period. Instead, they serve on an “at-will” basis, which means that their appointment can be modified or terminated for any reason. That reason does not constitute unlawful discrimination against the employee or violate public policy.

8.3. Keeping in touch

Meet with your temp employees regularly, either formally or informally, throughout the year.  So that you can give timely and consistent feedback on their performance. These meetings are also an excellent opportunity to discuss any additional assistance or training they may require to achieve their objectives.

Hence, if their goals change throughout the year, you must provide them with a document with the changes. Keep track of their accomplishments and professional development throughout the year, especially those that are related to their annual goals. This data can be useful when it comes time for their annual performance review.

8.4. Looking back on the year

Annual performance evaluations are customarily held. Their annual review consists of two parts: a written evaluation and a one-on-one discussion with your supervisor about the evaluation.

Pull out the notes they have been keeping on their accomplishments over the review period for the annual performance review. If you ask them to complete a self-evaluation, these notes can come in handy.

If self-evaluation is not required, request them to summarize their accomplishments for you. It is difficult to remember all of the accomplishments of multiple employees.

8.4.1. Written assessment

Every department has a standard form for performance evaluations. Hence, yours as well. Thus, you must provide them with a blank copy of that form. So, they can better understand how they are being evaluated. The following topics are typically covered on evaluation forms:

  • Work of high quality (accuracy, thoroughness, competence).
  • The amount of work (productivity level, time management, ability to meet deadlines).
  • Knowledge of the job (skills and understanding of the work).
  • Workplace relationships (ability to work with others, communication skills)
  • Achievements

8.4.2. A one-on-one meeting

For many employees, the in-person performance review is the most stressful work conversation they will have all year. But keep in mind that you want them to succeed at their job. Nothing in their evaluation should come as a surprise if you and your employees have been communicating openly and frequently throughout the year.

Before the meeting, you can allow them to read the written evaluation. This gives them time to consider the feedback and gather their thoughts before speaking with you. And you should be able to provide feedback before the written evaluation is finalized.

After discussing their evaluation with them, you must sign the form. For three years, their evaluation will remain in your departmental personnel file.

8.4.3. What if they disagree with their assessment?

Simply signing indicates that they have read the document. Signing their evaluation form does not imply that they agree with everything written on it.

If they disagree with any part of their evaluation, they can write a response letter outlining their perspective on their performance; and how it differs from the evaluation. They can check their employment program or collective bargaining agreement for the procedure for expressing dissatisfaction with their evaluation.

8.5. Make a new strategy

Following the completion of the annual performance review, you should develop and document goals and expectations for the next 12 months.

9. How can Connect Staff help you?

Now you know the benefits of a temporary employees’ performance. Companies must implement procedures, measurements, and tools to support temp workers’ shorter, high-impact tenure; as well as consider the skills that determine whether temp workers succeed or fail. Also, you must train and support them in developing and displaying those skills.

We, Connect Staff, are an experienced temp staff agency that can provide you with the most qualified employees. Also, we can assist you in how to measure your temporary employees’ performance.

Would you like to contact us to obtain more information about if it is worth evaluating the performance of your temporary workers? If you have any questions, you can call us on +97143316688 or write us an email at Then, you are going to talk to one of our representatives who will answer your questions.

You should visit and submit your CV or resume if you desire to be part of our great agency. Additionally, we will not store CVs and resumes you send to Start growing with the best.

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    Connect Staffing is established by Connect Group to connect you with life-giving opportunities and discover solutions to your tough hiring challenges, whether you’re establishing a career or a business.

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