Connect Staff

Connect Staffing is established by Connect Group to connect you with life-giving opportunities and discover solutions to your tough hiring challenges, whether you’re establishing a career or a business.

make yourself more visible to recruiters

How can you make yourself more visible to recruiters and companies?

Your professional career can make you take a different path sometimes. When it happens, you become a job seeker that uses all the available tools to search for new labor opportunities. However, in this sense, you should know how you can make yourself more visible to recruiters and companies today.

In this article, you will learn how you can be more visible to recruiters and companies. Here, you will know how recruiters and companies search for candidates and how you can stand out in the crowd.

  1. How can you search for job offers nowadays?
  2. What does a recruiter do?
  3. How does an employer seek potential candidates today?
  4. What can you do to make yourself more visible to recruiters and companies?
  5. Where can you find more information about recruitment agencies?

1. How can you search for job offers nowadays?

Changes can be scary, but also exciting. When it comes to your professional career, your changes start with your search for new job offers. However, you can have a hard time finding the right ones if you do not know where to look.

Luckily, you will find out that searching for job offers is a lot easier today than a few years ago. Essentially, you can use several technological tools that allow you to seek recruitment online. Hence, you can even search for opportunities worldwide if you want to pursue remote work.

On the other hand, another way you can search for job opportunities is to catch the attention of a recruiter. Their direct connection to every employer will give you a unique chance to increase your hiring possibilities. Later, you will be able to know how he/she works.

Furthermore, you should also follow an additional step when your line of work implies temporary employment. Such a step is to seek jobs in temporary staffing firms that will help you in your temp working career. Undoubtedly, you will discover it has many advantages and disadvantages.

2. What does a recruiter do?

During this process of searching for a new employer, you will encounter at least one recruiter in your path. Thus, you may find it helpful to learn about what a recruiter does every day. Above all, you will discover how you can be more visible to recruiters by learning this.

A recruiter is a staffing specialist whose job is to search for, screen, and interview potential candidates. Their job is to assess every candidate to discover which ones are suitable for the job they are seeking. Therefore, they can tell an employer what candidates they must hire.

Today, the current technological advances allow many recruiters to perform recruitment online. Hence, being noticeable to them not only involves a good resume and powerful references. Indeed, it also implies using online tools adequately to improve your online professional image in every way you can.

Unequivocally, each recruiter works differently, because every industry and location has different requirements. Nevertheless, it would be certainly beneficial for you to learn how the best staffing recruiters search for potential candidates today. Such knowledge will help you in your search tremendously.

3. How does an employer seek potential candidates today?

We just show you what a recruiter does to achieve the goal of finding the right candidates. But, it is a different scenario when you analyze this from the perspective of an employer. You must also learn about how an employer seeks potential candidates nowadays.

Every employer today can face this process using one of two methodologies. First, you can find the employees that search for an employee connection themselves. In other words, they use their internal staff to perform recruitment online and offline. Above all, it gives them more control over the process.

On the contrary, other employers see these activities as a heavy workload for their team. Consequently, they prefer seeking external assistance for their organization. That is to say, they choose to hire one of many recruitment agencies to help them perform staffing properly.

Indeed, you will discover that there are several ways recruitment agencies can help an employer. For instance, they can provide organizations with outsourced HR support staff to make recruitment more efficient. Their objective is to give every employer the right employees they are looking for.

4. What can you do to make yourself more visible to recruiters and companies?

As you just probably realized, a big part of your hiring possibilities relies on how recruiters and companies see you. Hence, you need to take the time to learn how you can be more visible to them. Like when you have a date, your image is everything.

Above all, being visible to recruiters and companies implies showing how establishing an employee connection with you can help them. In other words, you must demonstrate how your skills and talent can upgrade their workforce substantially. Therefore, it is time you upgrade your online professional presence.

With this goal in mind, we will show you five recommendations you can follow to be more visible to recruiters and companies. Most importantly, they are especially effective when it comes to every employer and recruiter that performs recruitment online. Besides, they are also easily applicable.

On the other hand, you would be doing your part to fight the labor shortage by following these recommendations. Indeed, it is a major problem today in the UAE and other countries.

Let us allow you to take a glance at how you can make yourself more visible to recruiters and companies:

4.1 Taking care of your social media accounts

Today, your social media profiles say a lot about yourself. Furthermore, they can show more than just hobbies, trips, and relationship status. They are also a great way to promote your skills and values to a potential employer or recruiter. Hence, you must take care of your social media accounts.

Essentially, you should make your posts as professional as possible, but without letting the fun parts out. It implies being adequate and elegant in writing, besides assessing how your pictures are made. Remember, you must see them from the eyes of recruitment agencies before putting them online.

Moreover, you must also evaluate who you are following on social media. For instance, it would look bad if you follow a company when you are seeking a job at its competitor. In a similar sense, you should also evaluate how your interactions on social media favor your professional profile.

One example of this advice taken into action is using your marketing skills in your social media accounts. As a result, any recruiter or employer will consider you as a potential addition to their sales staff. Undoubtedly, social media is not only for fun nowadays. 

4.2 Get rid of unprofessional information

If you get in the shoes of a recruiter, you might encounter unpleasant or unprofessional information in your candidate’s profile. For example, no employer would hire a candidate that talks too much about their party life online. Hence, you must not show any unprofessional information in your profiles.

To clarify, we are not saying that you should remove all the fun posts from your social media accounts. Instead, you should assess all your posts to find which ones are way too unprofessional for a recruiter. Those are the ones that you must remove or modify.

Consequently, you will end up with a more professional look that will make you more visible to recruiters and companies. After all, true professionals take care of every aspect of their lives, not only their work. Thus, your information must reflect that to be tremendously noticeable.

Furthermore, such unprofessional information is unattractive regardless of the level of labor you belong to. So, it will not matter if you belong to the skilled, unskilled, or semi-skilled labor. You should always keep your posts and information professional.

4.3 Being organized on LinkedIn

One of the most used websites to look for employment today is LinkedIn. Therefore, your professional career will be significantly upgraded by building a profile on such a website. Nevertheless, you should do so in an organized manner to be more visible to recruiters and companies.

In this sense, LinkedIn offers you the tools you need to build an organized profile with all your information. Moreover, you will also be able to build and upload professional posts in an organized way. Hence, it offers you all you need to catch the attention of recruitment agencies worldwide.

On the other hand, being organized also implies being active on the site without saturating your contacts’ screens. In other words, you should post meaningful information related to your professional interests and experience. On the contrary, avoid any information that could harm your hiring possibilities.

In this way, you could attract the attention of any recruiter, even if they work for an IT staffing firm. Certainly, it is a way to seek a job in the IT business that gives you several advantages.

4.4 Building a professional network

In the staffing field, sometimes it is not only about what you know, it is also about who you know. That is to say, the possibilities of an employer noticing you increase substantially by building a good professional network. After all, you will have an advantage with a referral’s recommendation.

Building such a network is non-complex but constant work. Indeed, it involves establishing a good employee connection in every company you have worked for. Besides, it also implies building professional relationships in networking events or online. Here, websites like LinkedIn can be incredibly helpful.

Another way you can build a professional network fast and efficiently is through temporary employment. This is truer today when many companies worldwide are using temporary staffing to find workers to improve their workforce. Certainly, these staffing firms are performing most of their recruitment online.

4.5 Upgrading your resume

The oldest but still effective advice you should follow to be more visible to recruiters is to upgrade your resume. On one hand, it involves adding your new knowledge and professional experience constantly. This means you should always keep it updated.

But, it also requires you to build it in an organized manner. In other words, you must find a way to reflect your professional information attractively and simply. After all, an employer would not like to read a 20-page resume or one that says practically nothing.

Furthermore, you should also add keywords to your resume that apply to the job position you are seeking. This way, tools like Applicant Tracking Systems and staffing and recruitment software will have you on their radar.

Finally, you must find ways to make your resume unique among all the candidates. We know it is easier to use online templates, but it would be highly beneficial to build your distinctive design. Consequently, you would be showing not only your knowledge but also your creativity.

Where can you find more information about recruitment agencies?

Going to the job offers section of your newspaper is no longer an option for you. Today, technological advances and interconnectivity changed the way you seek a new job tremendously. Hence, you will find it helpful to learn how you can make yourself more visible to recruiters and companies.

One way you can accelerate your job search substantially is by seeking the help of the best recruitment agencies. Among the best ones, you can find us, Connect Staff, right at the top. With our wide network and our expertise, you will find your dream new job in no time.

Discover how our meaningful work can make your job search end in incredible success. Make the decision and contact us to learn how we can make you more visible to any employer. Get in touch with our representatives with a call at +971 43 316 688 or write us an email at

After upgrading your resume, you can apply for one of our many job offers on The Talent Point. All you need to do is to send us your application on, once you sign up. In addition, you can also feel free to write an email to with all of your inquiries about the currently available jobs on the plaftform.

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    Connect Staffing is established by Connect Group to connect you with life-giving opportunities and discover solutions to your tough hiring challenges, whether you’re establishing a career or a business.

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