Connect Staff

Connect Staffing is established by Connect Group to connect you with life-giving opportunities and discover solutions to your tough hiring challenges, whether you’re establishing a career or a business.

staffing agency

What is the difference between the services of a staffing agency and a recruitment agency?

Organizing staff for a company in another country is not as simple as hiring a worker in your country. There are multiple ways to achieve this. Among the two most common are requesting the services of a staffing agency and hiring recruiting agencies.

This article aims you learn the fundamental differences between staffing agencies and recruiting agencies. We compare each difference to help you understand which one is most suitable for your company.

1. The staffing agency services

The main function of a staffing agency is to satisfy the daily workforce company’s needs. For instance, if a business needs an employee only for a determined time. The company can request it through the services of a staffing agency.

A staffing agency has a significant number of workers available. This means at any time of the day when a company needs temporary employees. It makes the services of a staffing agency suitable for any type of company. Whether they need a low-skilled worker or if they need a group of workers.

The use of the services of this type of agency will depend on the company. For example, a healthcare company usually requires the services of highly-qualified and experienced workers, such as doctors and nurses. These workers are often required permanently. For this reason, a staffing agency may not be suitable in these cases.

In most situations, a staffing agency will provide its clients with temporary employees to perform a wide range of jobs.

2. Learn about recruiting agencies

The main function of recruiting agencies is to provide companies with highly qualified workers for permanent positions. To achieve this, they have experienced recruiters with access to a large book of professional candidates.

These recruiters are in charge of looking for the most talented workers in the areas their clients demand. In this way, they must establish permanent links with these professionals to know their availability when a client requests an employee with their profile.

The process these recruiters carry out to establish a long-lasting relationship with the best talent in the labor market on behalf of companies is of high value. Thanks to that, these companies can dedicate their time to more productive activities for their business.

This is the primary reason why cutting-edge companies delegate this responsibility to an agency specialized in recruitment.

3. Differences between a staffing agency and recruiting agencies

A staffing agency, as well as recruiting agencies, perform highly-valuable functions for companies, especially in areas where there is greater turnover and issues with the retention of personnel regardless of their qualification level.

Therefore, the use of these services is a good strategy to avoid traditional methods of recruitment and selection. This is because they will count on a greater number of candidates from which to choose.

Although both modalities have many similarities, they also have many differences. Some of these differences are:

  • A staffing agency is more useful for a company that needs temporary assistance. Instead, recruiting agencies have the function of providing their clients with long-term workers.
  • Recruiting agencies can offer their services to the private or public sector, while a staffing agency can only provide its services to private sector businesses.
  • A staffing agency is responsible for offering low and medium-level employees while recruiting agencies provide their clients with employees with a high qualification level.
  • Because of the previous point, recruitment agencies provide their services to only specific industries. Instead, a staffing agency can work for any type of company.
  • In general terms, recruiting agencies do not create an employment relationship with employees; they only provide workers to their clients. On the other hand, a staffing agency usually establishes an employment relationship with these employees. Moreover, the client will pay the staffing agency for the services they provided. Then, this agency will ensure to compensate their workers.
  • People working for a staffing agency are generally not interviewed before starting in a new position; because the job is only temporary. At the same time, employees working for recruiting agencies, as they must be highly qualified, go through an interview process.

4. Advantages of working with a staffing agency

The fact that a company uses the services of a staffing agency gives it a competitive advantage over the rest. Below, we present the main benefits of counting on a staffing agency:

Time-saving and higher profitability

As you should know by now, agency staffing specializes in the process of contacting temporary staff for businesses. In addition, they have the necessary platform to carry out this process faster and more effectively. This allows the client company to dedicate more time to the profitable activities of the business.

A faster recruitment process

Leaving this task in expert hands, the agency will be in charge of receiving applications for the vacancy, as well as taking care of the pre-selection stage. In this way, they will filter the staff you demand based on the profile you specifically request.

In addition to this, the fact that the pre-selection process will be carried out by this agency will facilitate the work for the definitive selection of your employees.

5. Advantages of working with a recruiting agency

Candidates’ qualifications are evaluated by the agency

Once all the candidates’ experience and certifications have been verified, your company can be sure that it will have the most qualified personnel to take on the job. A staffing agency verifies all diplomas and training certificates in addition to taking care of the interview stage.

Access a large pool of candidates

With recruitment agencies, client companies can have access to a pool of candidates in constant expansion. This is highly beneficial as they may require workers with a very specific professional profile. In addition, this pool is filled with workers who are readily available without this meaning any effort for the company contracting the service


As it happens with staffing firms, recruiting agencies also take care of every step involved in the process of selecting an employee. In this way, businesses can continue to focus on their core activities while they delegate this essential task to a specialized organization. As you can assume, this will help them save time as well as increase their profits.

6. Why should your company hire a staffing agency?

These are some situations when a company should hire a staffing agency -also known as a temp agency. In addition, it is clear that many different organizations today have a variety of reasons to consider seeking these services. However, it is only recommendable in certain cases. These are:

  • If the vacancy that the company needs to cover is for a temporary position.
  • If the company wants to evaluate the employee’s performance before hiring them for a long-term position.
  • When the company wants to delegate the task of complying with labor and tax regulations.
  • If company wants to delegate the interview process and subsequent hiring of the employee.

In general, a staffing agency is mostly convenient when an employer needs a worker for certain low-skilled jobs.

Where to find temp agencies near me?

At Connect Staff, we are closer than you may think. At the end of this article, you will find some easy ways to contact us. Obtain the most useful information and advice on staffing issues with us!

7. Why should your company hire a recruiting agency?

Below are some cases where a company should hire the services of recruiting agencies, also known as employment agencies:

  • When the vacancy is for a long-term job position.
  • When the company needs to fill a vacancy for a highly-qualified position. For example, if a hospital requires the long-term services of a doctor.

In general, recruitment agencies are suitable for companies that require highly-skilled workers on a long-term basis. Other common examples of these cases are administration and management positions.

8. What are the responsibilities of recruiting agencies?

A high-level agency will not necessarily bear the same responsibilities for all companies. These will vary depending on the type of service requested by the client. However, in general lines, these are some of the tasks we carry out in our agency:

Setting up a branch

In Connect Staff, we take control of the staff of the company for which we provide our services. Additionally, we can assume the process of creating a branch. In this way, the work of the main company becomes much easier.

When a company begins the process of establishing itself in a new market, one of the biggest challenges that arise is compliance with new regulations. In Connect Staff, we ensure compliance with all the legal obligations of the company of labor and tax nature.

Manages the staff, while the company directs it

Quality services from a recruiting agency assume the role of the employer and Human Resources director of the client company. This implies that this service assumes the process of hiring and incorporating new employees, the issuance of work permits -if necessary, their employment contracts, payment of salaries, and more.

At the same time, these employees remain under the subordination and direction of the client company.

9. How can effective staffing strategies help your company enter foreign markets

It is not an easy task to hire the best talent available in the labor market with so much competition between companies. For this reason, companies must be fast when hiring staff. To achieve this, they can incorporate hiring strategies in compliance with the labor laws of their country.

This process, if carried out as usual, is normally expensive and slow. This, in addition to the fact that the employer must have an in-depth knowledge of the local labor laws.

When hiring the services of Connect Staff, your company will be able to overcome all these difficulties. By working with us, you will quickly access the best talent available in the market without having to worry about complying with labor and tax laws. These elements together will allow you to always remain ahead of your competition.

10. Get more information about staffing agencies and recruiting agencies

Quickly finding workers is a very difficult task to carry out; even more so if your company wants to expand into new markets. In Connect Staff, we will provide you with the best recruiting solutions to get only the most suitable staff.

It is ideal for companies to work along with a staffing company that covers short-term and long-term staffing needs. Providers of this business solution bring peace of mind and flexibility to companies. They can guarantee almost any kind of solution to cover staffing needs. Of course, always with the advice of experts in the field.

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    Connect Staffing is established by Connect Group to connect you with life-giving opportunities and discover solutions to your tough hiring challenges, whether you’re establishing a career or a business.

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