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sick leave uae

Sick Leave UAE: A Comprehensive Guide for Employers & Employees

While navigating the shifting terrain of the UAE, a discernment of sick leave UAE is crucial. This detailed guide discusses who is eligible for leave, how long one can be absent and what benefits they are entitled to; also to answering the roles of employees and employers. Additionally, it requires compliance with company policies in order to highlight the significance of reliable communication and documentation.

In this article, we discuss the mutual responsibilities of employee-employer relationship while on sick leave in UAE. Moreover, we will provide sensible guidelines for the smooth leave procedure. Lastly, we will address some frequently asked questions to give a clear picture of the details in this kind of leave; hence, ensuring comprehending perspective concerning one critical aspect.

Sick Leave UAE: Eligibility, Duration, and Benefits

sick leave uae

Eligibility for UAE Sick Leave Policy

In order to be eligible for sick leave UAE, employees need to have undergone their introductory period. In fact, during this time, this leave is with no pay.

  • Upon probation, an employee is eligible for 90 days of sick leave every year and the pay varies depending on how it was initiated.
    • Full salaried for the first two weeks
    • 30 days half-pay.
    • No compensation for the rest 45 days.
  • In case of acknowledgment by medical report it is possible to have this leave during probation.
  • These are cases of ineligibility where misconduct-related illness, violation of safety rules and occupational disease not encompassed by UAE sick leave policy.

Verification Process and Required Documents Policy for Sick Leave in UAE

After using the sick leave policy in UAE, follow a procedure in order to ensure accuracy and proper implementation of the policy.

  1. Firstly, get a copy of the original medical certificate from an issuing physician or medical facility.
  2. Secondly fill in an attestation application form.
  3. Provide the form, an original medical certificate, a copy of the applicant’s ID card and any other pertinent documents to attestation authority.
  4. in addition to this, pay the attestation fee as required by the authority.

Duration of Sick Leave in UAE

Under the UAE Labour Law, every individual working in the emirate has statutory rights whereby he or she is entitled to leave. Within the limits of certain restrictions, according to the law employees can have up to 90 days of continuous or intermittent leave per year.

This far-reaching period enables employees to strike a work-life balance even during health crises. These provisions are mandated by the sick leave UAE labour law which highlights the desire to protect workers’ health and ensure a safe working environment.

Applying Policy for UAE Sick Leave

They should inform their employer within three days, as mandated in Article 31 of the UAE Labour Law when they are sick. The notification should be accompanied by a detailed medical report submitted by a reputed medical institution.

This vital step ensures hassle free access to this leave in UAE. Understanding between employees and employers is best achieved through clear communication and adherence to these policies, which enables smoothness in times of need.

Timely reporting and precise documentation support the efficiency of the whole system of sick leave UAE.

Benefits and Entitlements for sick leave in UAE

The country has shown a commitment to employee welfare through the provision of leave UAE with various benefits for employees. The UAE sick leave policy ensures things such as:

  • Financial Stability: Overall, employees get paid the full salary for the first days, which provide financial stability.
  • Health Coverage: Furthermore, a number of firms grant supplementary health benefits while on leave to promote an employee’s well-being.
  • Job Security: The UAE labor law protects employees from dismissal during proper leave, encouraging a secure job.
  • Flexibility: Finally, employers may provide the return to work on flexible terms, which will ease transition to regular duties.

Responsibilities of Employees and Employers

Employee’s obligations when taking sick leave in UAE

In the case of illness, employees are pivotal for a seamless sick leave UAE process.

  • Inform promptly: When you get sick, inform your employer immediately so that there will be adequate preparation.
  • Follow company procedure: follow the company’s sick leave application procedure to ensure compliance with the sick leave policy in UAE.
  • Provide documentation: Provide a valid medical certificate by a registered practitioner in the UAE certifying that leave is required.
  • Maintain communication: Inform your employer about your recovery progress to create understanding and teamwork during you absence.

Employer’s responsibilities and rights during sick leave

When it comes to managing leave UAE, employers play a crucial role in maintaining a healthy workplace:

  • Communication: Of course, the regular updates on employee’s health contribute to understanding the situation.
  • Documentation: In order to meet the sick leave UAE labour law, it is necessary to ask for and preserve valid medical certificates.
  • Supportive Environment: Next, creating a culture of compassion supports employee health.
  • Return to Work Plans: The cooperation on a phased back to work plan helps in an easy transition post-leave.
  • Legal Compliance: Finally, following the sick leave UAE regulations protects an employer from legal issues.

Tips for a Smooth UAE Sick Leave Process

To ensure a hassle-free leave experience, consider practical tips such as:

  1. Communication is Key: Firstly, notify your employer of the sickness in accordance with the company’s sick leave in UAE policy.
  2. Provide Timely Documentation: Additionally, provide necessary medical certificates in a timely manner to enable the verification process.
  3. Stay Informed: Become familiar with your company’s sick leave policies to ensure that you follow all applicable procedures.
  4. Maintain Open Dialogue: Moreover, keep in touch with your employer and inform him/her about your health condition.
  5. Plan Accordingly: If possible, have a preemptive discussion with your employer about any leaves that you might take.

Compliance with sick leave UAE labor law is essential for both employers and employees. This UAE sick leave policy describes the laws governing eligibility, duration, and documentation of leave.

In order to conform with the law, employers need to express such policies effectively for employees’ understanding. Compliance in the work environment is supported by regular updates and training sessions on the leave UAE regulations.

Impact on Employers: Managing UAE Sick Leave in the Workplace

Managing sick leave UAE for employers to strike a balance between productivity and health of the employee. Workplace leave management is important. It affects team relationships, workflow, and general performance.

Sick leave policy in UAE, must be clear to employers in the UAE, promoting employee transparency and equal treatment. It is difficult to balance operational needs with employee’s health. Communication must be open, which builds trust and understanding.

By ensuring that employees feel supported during their sickness, morale and loyalty are likely to improve. Proactive management reduces disruptions and promotes a conducive working environment.

Required Documents for Sick Leave in UAE

When seeking sick leave UAE, the required documents vary based on the duration of the absence, for instance:

  1. Overall, for sick leave of five days or less:
    • Original sick leave certificate
    • Copy of the applicant’s ID card
  1. Then, for sick leave exceeding five days:
    • Cost of sick leave certification
    • Original sick leave certificate
    • Copy of the applicant’s ID card
    • Approval from the relevant medical committee
    • Receipt of the paid attestation fee issued by the Ministry
    • Ensuring compliance with the sick leave UAE labour law is crucial for a seamless application process.

UAE Sick Leave Validation

Naturally, the legitimacy of leave in UAE matters both to employers and employees. Validation, an essential part of the process, ensures that the absence complies with leave policies.

Employers depend on this validation to keep a just and open system, creating trust within the working environment. Therefore, by verifying sick leave organizations avoid possible abuse and promote accountability culture.

However, staff members feel reassured that their genuine health issues are validated and encouraged.

FAQs for UAE Sick Leave

sick leave uae

How do I get sick leave in UAE?

To apply for sick leave in the UAE, you must inform your employer immediately and follow the company’s application process. Effectively state your situation and provide the required medical documents.

Once approved, your sick leave UAE will start so that you can recover without worrying about finances. By updating your employer, you will develop understanding and show that you want a seamless process.

Keep in mind that following these steps is a guarantee of compliance with the company policy and the sick leave UAE labor law, which will ensure transparency and support.

What is the rule for sick leave in UAE?

Knowledge of the laws that govern leave is critical to employees in the UAE. The qualification guidelines for sick leave in UAE include a given probationary period.

Once eligible, employees can apply for sick leave by notifying their employer in time and following the company’s procedure. A registered practitioner in the UAE must provide a medical certificate for validating the requirement of sick leave.

According to the UAE labor law, leave is allocated and in most cases, it is fully paid towards the first days. Following these rules ensures a fair and open procedure for all sick leave cases.

How do I get approved for sick leave?

The process of obtaining approval for leave is simple. First, inform your employer about the illness immediately. Thereafter, follow the leave application procedure of the company and ensure that all details are well articulated.

Present the necessary medical documents to support your absence. This includes a medical report from an authorized UAE doctor, showing that your claim is genuine.

Timeliness and transparency are crucial throughout this process, forming an amiable relationship between the employee and employer concerning sick leave in UAE.

How much is the sick leave certificate in Abu Dhabi?

In Abu Dhabi, the cost of a sick leave certificate is reasonable at AED 50 to ensure accessibility to all. For the sake of convenience, E-payment is the only payment channel.

This user-friendly approach coincides with the effort to make sick leave UAE process cheap and easy for workers requesting appropriate papers.

Through electronic payment, the fee is quickly paid and this simplifies everything. The open and smooth sick leave system in Abu Dhabi contributes to this hassle-free process for all the stakeholders.

Will I get paid during my sick leave?

After probation, the employees can get this leave after three months of service. Nevertheless, the duration of probation is not standard; employees should contact their HR department for detailed eligibility.

The benefits of sick leave are fully paid for the initial 15 days, half-paid sick leave for the next 30 days, and unpaid period lasting for a total of 45 days.

In this period, the sick leave UAE implies paid and unpaid parts of the leave with a focus on financial issues.

Can I get more days off if I’m still not well after 90 days?

As indicated in Article 65 of the sick leave UAE employees have rights to leave up to 90 days per year. In fact, this leave either continuous or intermittent allows for physical and mental health conditions.

If an employee needs more than the prescribed 90 days, unpaid leave can be an option. Nevertheless, the consent is up to the employer.


Finally, sick leave UAE is crucial for maintaining a healthy work environment. The process runs smoothly through clear communication, respect for policies and the cooperation between employers and employees.

The balance between business requirements and employee welfare is essential. Adherence to UAE labor laws prevents legal problems. The process includes eligibility verification, document submission, and timely communication.

Would you like to know more about leaves UAE? Then, visit our insights section. If you have any questions, contact Connect Staff.

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